
Guitar Hero refuses to die
By Johan Keyter 28 February 2011When everyone thought it was over, it seems Guitar Hero will be sticking around for a final encore. FULL STORY >

RIP - Guitar Hero
By Johan Keyter 10 February 2011Activision hammers the final nail into Guitar Hero's coffin, cancelling the once popular music game series altogether. FULL STORY >

DJ Hero 2 details emerge
By Tom Manners 9 June 2010In anticipation of this years E3 gaming conference details behind the sequel to Activisions surprise hit from last year, DJ Hero, are beginning to surface. FULL STORY >

Gaming News Roundup - Game consoles make headlines
By Hanleigh Daniels 12 March 2010Sony reveals its motion-based controller to the world, whilst Microsoft's Xbox 360 had a bumper Feb. Jay-Z takes on Eminem within DJ Hero and Nintendo again asserts that the Wii still has a long life ahead of it. FULL STORY >
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